
Queen Mary 2

It's not long now! I'm going on the Queen Mary 2 this week. It's going to be sooooo nice. Our room has a balcony and it's 280 square feet, which isn't anything to sneeze at. I hope the people are as interesting and garrulous as I hope they'll be. I deserve this break BIG TIME! It was nice having last week free. I just worked a lot. Made over 400 bucks for a few days work. Not too shabby. And the best part is that this little girl walked up to me, eyes wide and smile brilliant, then stopped and looked up at me with awe and gasped, "You're pretty!" That absolutely made my day! I love children. I really believe they make your life richer. When they aren't vomiting or messing up your car.

I'm going to move into my own apartment on September 1. It's time. I'm going to feel bad leaving Tom to rattle around, but I have to be able to stay out late and not worry about them so much. I'm going to go view a few places and save up the deposit over the next few months. I found a few in the paper. One was affordable, has a fireplace AND a pool, and it's very near my work.

I went to do the official SCUBA sign-up today. I couldn't believe it, but after I got out of the place I realized that the cashier didn't charge me the 55 bucks for the CD-ROM (it's in lieu of the textbook). Sweet! So all I paid was the tuition for the class. I still have to pay for the boat dive and the equipment rental, so it's going to be expensive no matter how I look at it, but I really couldn't believe my luck. I felt kind of guilty at first, but Tom said that the girl was an idiot and not to go SCUBA diving with her; she'll kill me. Ha ha ha.

I'm getting a manicure, pedicure, fake tan sprayed on my naked body, and a highly-satisfying Brazilian wax tomorrow. I'm going to radiate gorgeousness, that's what I've decided. I just hope the fake tan doesn't fade in patches...

I have my gorgeous navy satin gown all ready, my gold strappy sandals packed, and every article of cool clothing that I never have a reason to wear here in my bag, ready to see the light of day. This cruise is going to be SO luxurious. I can't even begin to fathom how spoiled we're going to get.

I've e-mailed the England crew and Manar, Katie, Clare, and Sez should be joining me for a drink at some point. We're going to visit Tom's daughter in Knightsbridge, too, and I always love going there.

I stayed in tonight for a quiet one. I packed, finised my video course (FINALLY!), and drank a lot of wine from Trader Joe's (acquired it in a way similar to the CD-ROM episode...) But that is another story.

Good night, friends!


My Mom Knows Who Chris Rock Is


My mom doesn't know who is VP, but she knows all about Chris Rock. She forwarded this link to a very interesting Rock-related story.




The yummy Delta pilot just wrote to me. He is on a layover in Atlanta. What he doesn't know is that I speak Pilot, so I know that probably means he is getting laid in Atlanta. I'll find out eventually! I sent him some more pics of me. He said he got then and that I look great, so that's 8 pics total from 8 different angles and he still likes me. Result!

I hope he's as hot as his pics are when I meet him. He's getting in on Sunday. Maybe I will see him in Santa Clarita. Maybe I'll put it off a few days... I'm meeting Mike from Lancaster on Monday. I don't know much about him. He is divorced and looks good in his picture.

We went to a club last night and I totally shook my ass. Sunny and I even danced on the catwalk thing. I had no fear. That's what 'adios' and appletini can do for you. I got some action, too. These two Arab guys danced with me. The first guy came over after I smiled at him. After dancing for a while I asked him how old he was. "How old do you think I am?" he said. I smiled and replied, "Seventeen?" He got REALLY pissed off and walked away. Julie was like, "Katherine, you idiot, this is a 21 and over club!" Ooops. Sunny was like, whatever, he wasn't that cute anyway. By the way, Sunny saw the Delta guy's pic and I think he wants to steal him away from me and fuck him. So a little while later another guy from that guy's crew came over and asked me to dance. I was like, "Sure." We had fun. Good dancer. Told me I was pretty. I was thinking, "I know what you want.... And you're not gonna get it." Ha ha ha. He really needed to back that hard on off of my ass a little more, though. I should have started talking to him in Arabic. That would have wigged him out.

This morning I woke up with a hangover. It was pretty bad. Felt like ralphing. Took a shower, drank water veeeerrrrrrryyyyyy slowly. Brushed the fur out of my mouth. Then Sunny dried my hair and straightened it with a straightening iron. He's very good for stuff like that!

Then Jinna and I went to see The Interpreter. It was fucked up. I liked it. I really wanted to pin Nicole's hair up out of her face, but other than that it was good. She looks AMAZING. She doesn't have a facial flaw! I want to know who does her work.

I'm going to Candice's birthday party tonight with Valerie. It should be fun. I'm excited.

Bye for now!



And I forgot! I'm getting on board with a local real estate company out here. And the broker is kind of hot. His daughter is like 3 years younger than me, though, so the idea is kind of gross. I start June 1st.

I'm still doing the professional conservatorship, too, so I'll be little old incorporated me this year.

I have got to book my Brazilian wax before I get on the cruise ship. Someone please remind me.

And in case you were wondering, Heather is still getting laid. A lot.

Big Bear SCAT

Oh my Holy-Fucking-God. I have been immersed in NATURE for the past two days. Get it off!!!!!!

On Wednesday my principal came to my classroom to ask me a favor. A big one. Forty-five of our children were at science camp on Big Bear Mountain, and one of our teachers caught strep throat and couldn't go. Another teacher was up on the mountain, but he was going home that night due to family obligations. They really, really needed me to go up there that night. No one else would go. Everyone had an excuse. My brakes are shot/my 9-year-old and I have therapy/I did it a month ago. "OK, I like Big Bear. Sure, I can be up there tonight!" I said. After that, her thankful attitude changed. Find a sub, she told me. Right now.

OK, one of my other teacher friends was up on the mountain, too. If there are more than 30 kids, though, you gotta have 2 teachers to be in compliance. This is kind of complicated. Plus, there were 100 kids from south central LA on that mountain with their teachers, too. I called my teacher-friend around 6. "Hi! I'm going to leave in an hour and try to get there by 10." She seemed lucid. We chatted for a few minutes. She asked me to bring stationery if I could get my hands on some. Great. So they know I'm coming tonight, I've got a shitload of smores ingredients and chips and salsa. I've got my pillow, toothpaste, SPF 30. All set.

So I drove up there, didn't get lost, and made it to the camp (sign well hidden and sustantially off of the road) around 10:30. Fuck. There was a big gate across the entrance with a big fat chain and 2 padlocks on it. Great. I couldn't drive my car down. So I'm in the woods, it's 10:30, I don't know how far the campsite is down this road, and I have no reception on my cell phone. No options. So I change my shoes, put on my Grandpa's suede coat, and start down the road. I don't know if this place is 1 mile or 10 miles down the road. I decide if it's really, really far, I'll just turn around and get in my car and drive until I have cell phone coverage. So I'm about 2 minutes down the road, with only a sliver of moon guiding me, when I hear bear bellowing. I shit you not. I heard it, and it was scary, and it was behind me in the direction of my car. So I RAN. So fast. I was SO SCARED!!! I kept looking for trees to climb. All of a sudden, none of the thousands of trees seem to have limbs within reach. So I keep running down the road. It's dead silent. There can't possibly be 150 children within 100 miles of this place. There is a big water tower. I can't see a ladder to climb up. The whole time I'm running and looking over my shoulder for the bears.

Finally, I got to a cabin with lights on and I could see a guy working on a computer through a window. I flew down the hill and knocked. "Come on in!" To make a long story short, Kelly didn't mention I was coming that night. No one was expecting me. The road was slightly over a mile long. After some sarcastic comments about how I "Should have called ahead" I lost the guy and fell into bed. It's amazing how conducive camp cots are to very deep, restful sleep.

The next morning I got up and Shaun, the outdoor school's principal, told me that the animals I heard were probably from the reserve-type place down the road. She said they keep everything imaginable there for use in movies. She said I did hear bears, plus they've got elephants and tigers and tons of other stuff. I am so, so thankful I didn't hear wildcat sounds. I would have peed in my pants.

Outdoor science school was very fun! We looked at all these animal skulls and examined hearing nodes, sagittal crests, and teeth to determine what kinds of animals the skulls belonged to. All the animals could be found within 50 miles of where we were, and they had gophers, coyotes, raccoons, and mountain lions. Sweet. And totally fucking scary given the fact I was wandering around in those woods by myself the night before.

I learned some funny songs at science camp. One is about animal poop, called SCAT.

Oh, it starts with an S and it ends with a T!
It comes out of you and it comes out of me!
I know what you're thinking, but don't call it that!
Be scientific and call it SCAT!

The other one is about pine trees and it has lots of verses.
One goes like this:

Pine tree! Pine tree!!
whoooooaaaaaa baby
Let your xylem flow, Woosh!
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Pine tree! Pine tree!
Whoa baby let your xylem flow, Woosh!

The next night, two of our male students exposed themselves to some girl students, so I got to deal with that. Keep your dick in your pants, child. Please. For at least the next 5 years, ok?

When I got home today the ambulances were here. Grandma fell down again. She was covered in diarrhea so I cleaned her up in the shower and the paramedics bandaged her hand. Her blood pressure had gotten really low and she just collapsed. I love that other teachers copped out of the Big Bear duty because they have families and stuff. Of course, I'm the one that ends up with a family crisis and learns about it on the drive back!

I checked in with the school today and they let me know that my class was completely out of control and my substitute teacher was incompetent. Good. I wouldn't want to get any news that was out of the ordinary. Then I looked in my box and there was some message from a parent about the substitute making a racist remark to one of my kids. I put it back in my box and pretended not to see it, which I like to think was the sensible and professional way to handle the situation.

So I have some questions about the state of the world. Why is it that every camp in the world tells you to leave your pee in the toilet and just flush your poo? And why do they always paper the walls with posters about recycling? And why is it that the Spanish radio station always comes in as clear as a bell but Kiis 102.7 is always static-y when something good comes on?

OOOOooooooh, this weekend I'm going to meet two hot guys I met on yahoo. One is a pilot (I know, but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt), and the other is a surgeon. The surgeon is my age exactly, the pilot is a lot older (I know, but I'm still going to give him the benefit) and the surgeon knows a guy at Heather's school. She is looking him up in the face book for me. The pilot flies internationally for Delta, so I'm going to play this one to the max. I space my replies to him very carefully. I never reply within 24 hours. He wrote to me because on my profile I said I like to travel and I wrote about some of the places I've been. I think he wants to go all over the world and wants someone to take with him. It seems he has only done Europe.

I'm going to dance the night away in Irvine tonight and then go to Candice's b-day party in Torrance Saturday. I'm meeting the boys on Sat/Sun during the day for coffee. Not together, of course.


CrAzY dayz

Guess what. Some guy named Omar reads this blog. Funny! Wonder if he has gotten to the Dubai bits yet. I called Manar and asked her if she thought her dad would arrange a marriage for me. She said I'm in his good book and very few people are (how the hell did I manage that?????) and that he would probably do it. I'm gonna send him a big real estate investment proposal before I do that, though.

Hmmm... A lot happened. Oh, the principal was nice today. I turned in all these forms early and she was like, "Someone keeps on top of things!" Of course. Because I rock, woman.

I'm nearly finished with my crap video course. Once I get the transcript I should earn 5,000 more next year than I did last year. Actually even more because I didn't work a full year this year. Plus I get enrolled in the beginning teacher program and they give me a couple of hundred bucks to buy classroom supplies. Sweet.

The cruise is getting really close. I'm excited. I have to have the straps on my dress taken up tomorrow. I can't keep putting it off.

Oh, Justin wanted to know why I kept my plentyoffish personal ad up since I was seeing him so much. So I was nice and took it down. If things head way south I'll just start a new profile. I'm gonna do yahoo next.

Oh, I went to visit Bekah and she is 6 months "up the pole". Don't you dare tell her, but she is huge. And it was even worse because when I got there her mother was like, "Oh my God! You're so skinny! That suit is just hanging off of you! What HAPPENED?" All I could do was laugh. Positive side effects exist to break-ups from gigolos. Anyway, Bekah's ass is about 4 feet wide and her feet are huge. But she is glowing and fun and sweet and I'm glad she lives so close by. We ate a bunch of cake while I was there. I am so going to hang out at her place and live at the pool this summer (they don't know what they are in for). While I was there, one of her brothers got in trouble because he shot up one of the neighbor's windows and the guy watched him do it from his balcony.

I saw Kakenya last night! She looks so good. I drove down to Venice and we ate at this swank place called Chaya something. I think I saw Drew Barrymore's mother. Who totally stared me down. It was scary. Ate sushi and yummy chicken wrap with Miso sauce. And a cantaloupe martini. It was gross. I'll stick to apple. We talked about all the work she is doing. She has been raising money to get women "repaired" and sewn back up after they have babies too young and the little tykes rip them apart. Amy from the Washington Post was there. I was a little ticked about that because I wanted Kakenya to myself, but she was really cool and interested in what I am doing. We compared notes about our trips to Kakenya's village. She said she went 13 hours without peeing on a bus. I was like, yeah, I just had to last 11 hours when I went.

I'm going to a housewarming/birthday party for one of our teachers tomorrow night. I think I'll bring apple-tini ingredients and make them for people there.

One of my kids kicked a really annoying kid in the chest yesterday, which was kind of satisfying. I had to send the bad kid to in-school suspension today. I missed him.

We're reading Hatchet in class right now. It's awesome. All about a boy who has to survive in the Canadian wilderness.

OOOOooooh, I'm all signed up for SCUBA for when I get back from the cruise. It's going to be awesome. We have a couple of dives we're going to do off of Catalina and Redondo Beach. It should be fun.

But the biggest news of all is that Heather is getting lots of sex from a guy with a mega-thick dick. And Ashley is pregnant. The world is flip-flopping again. In a good way.


What a Drag

OK, today just sucked. I had one of those days where I just did not want to drag myself out of bed. Then I got to school, got out of the car, walked around the car, got my big huge bag out of the back, and then the car started rolling. Fast. Shit. I forgot to put the break on. Anyway, it rolled forward and I was hanging onto the door, trying to hold it back. It rolled right into the curb. Crunch. No visible damage, but still it was a crap way to start the day. I just left it there like that, all crooked and over the curb. At least it will make other people smile.

Then the principal saw me rolling a computer monitor down the hallway. She was all concerned. Where are you going with that??? Umm, to my classroom. See, Tom gave me three computers but I don't have monitors and the computer lab teacher has 50 on the floor so she has given me two so far to use in my classroom. The principal was like, "Well you can't keep them forever!" Duh. I'm not stealing it! I'm putting it in my classroom for students to use! Tom also gave me a laser printer and I could kiss it. The Accelerated Math and all the other stuff I print just pops out like a dream now.

I can't believe I'm going on the Queen Mary II in 3 weeks. It is going to be so luxurious. So nice. I'm going to do what I love to do. Where gorgeous clothes and eat. It's going to be heaven.

Then Marcus, one of my more outspoken students, called me "Stupid White Girl" today. Nice. I don't even know why. I think it's because I wouldn't let him go to the bathroom 12 times.

Gotta go. Tom is here and we're booking theater tickets and a glass boat on the Thames lunch. Sweet!


It's amazing how new highlights, freshly manicured nails, dyed eyebrows, and very expensive make-up can make a person feel like Grace Kelly. *Sigh* I like it. I spent most of the morning at the salon today. My stylist, Janie, is lovely. Such a beautiful woman. She had breast cancer and beat it. She's adopted. She used a private investigator once to find her birth parents. She needed to know her medical history so she contacted them. She said they were both good people, but she just talks to them from time to time. Anyway, she is moving to a really nice salon in Quartz Hill next week, so I'm going to go there from now on. It's a spa, as well, so I'm going to get facials, massages, and my pedicure/manicures there, too. It sounds heavenly.

I have never had my eyebrows dyed before, but I wanted to see if it would add a little definition to my tired eyes, so I got it done. I like it. When the dye was penetrating it looked REALLY dark, but it washed out well.

I am so, so excited. Kakenya is coming! I'm going to LA to see her on Wednesday. Amy Argetsinger is going to be there, too. I don't think the Washington Post is going to write another article on her anytime soon. Maybe in another couple of years... Relief. We won't have to pose for any pictures for a while.

I have had the flu or a tummy virus or something really bad this week. I started feeling sick on Wednesday at school. I went straight home and got into bed around 1 in the afternoon. I got up at 5:30 and puked. It was awful. Then I drank some pepto and took some ibuprofen. I could feel the fever coming on. I didn't eat anything and went to bed again. I slept until 6 the next morning, then dragged myself up. I started getting ready for school. Got totally dressed, got through the initial 2 minutes of my 15 minute beauty routine, felt completely light-headed, sat down, dry heaved a little, called in sick to work. I was so, so sick. I felt awful. Anyway, work was not happy. They called me at 7:30 and asked me if I would be in tomorrow so I could give the standardized tests we've been taking all week. I was upset because I thought they didn't really think I was sick. I hate that. If I'm not sick, I say so. Every other day I have taken off has been for personal necessity, and I have said so. Then, the one time I'm ill they decide they want to bug me. I slept and sweated all day long. Ick. No food. Minimal drink. Slept all night, no interruption. I took my temperature twice. The first time it was 97, the second time it was 100.5.

Got up the next morning, went to work. Everyone was like, "Wow! You look really casual! We never see you in jeans!" One lady even told me that I am: "Always dressed to the nines." I was like, "I'm sick as a dog! I'm not wearing a suit today!" Jesus. Wear sneakers to work and cause a commotion. Anybody going to ask me if I feel better? No. Because everyone thought I was out shopping or something.

Anyway, my stomach is still crazy. I can't eat a damn thing. My lower back hurts, too, so I think I have a virus or infection or something. I'm going to the doctor as soon as I can get a bloody appointment.

I wore one of my super-cute size 8 Ann Taylor Loft skirts today. Two random men smiled at me and said "Good Morning" when I was at the bank. I don't usually get that out of the blue. My cute bank boy wasn't there today. I was sad. He goes to my gym. I stared at him for like 5 minutes before I realized where I knew him from. My bank! Then I realized that there was a mirror in front of us and he could totally see me staring at him in it. So I looked at his ass for the rest of his 20-minute run. Yummy.

I think Manal is going to come see me in early September!!!! I hope so. That will be perfect because I will be off of work at that time. We can hang out at some swank LA hotel (Hyatt Regency isn't bad ;) ) and swim and drink colorful umbrella drinks.

Did you guys know that I wrote a whole bunch of amazon.com reviews back in the day? If you go to my name on amazon.com under the wishlist section, I think it will link up to all the crazy reviews I wrote. I basically only wrote about stuff I liked, so it's all gushing and unoriginal. But they're lengthy! Ha ha ha.

My tax return added up to $722.00. I was like SWEET! Almost as good as the two grand I got for Christmas gifts. My credit card debt is going down a lot faster than I originally calculated. After I get this stuff down, I'm going to buy some property. Valerie just bought a house up here near me. I still didn't have my license when she was ready to buy, so she went ahead and did it. That's cool. I will sell this one for her when she is ready to cash out.

I'm looking forward to my next real estate interview on Tuesday. Hopefully it goes well and I don't have to run out of the room, clutching my stomach in agony because of sick-killer-stomach-virus.



Why does it feel like I'm in a blender 99% of the time? I don't have a minute to pontificate on this blog these days.

Ashley, I can' t believe you are going to have a wee one! You're having a baby! And I can't believe how we smoked and drank like we just broke out of The Cloisters the whole time we were in Richmond. Oh my God. Oh well, the kid will have a tolerance when s/he is older, that is the blessing. And it's even crazier you found out on April Fool's Day. If it's a girl, name her April. And if it's a boy, name him Fool like that kid in the People Under the Stairs.

I still think, though, you should name the kid Ashley Susan Spencer. The monogrammed stuff will be HILARIOUS.

Big news, girls. The assistant principal guy that I've always liked at my school stopped wearing his wedding ring and shaved off his mustache. And today when I opened my classroom door at lunch, he was standing right in front of it, ready to have a chat about nothing. Hmmmm... I asked around a little bit about the wedding ring thing, but no one knows anything. I am not about to be the one to ask him. I've liked him since I borrowed his coat to go outside and substitute for PE. He's generous and smart and rational and built VERY nicely. Tall. Yummy.

The principal totally hates me. She was picking on me all day. I think she thinks I'm getting it on with the Coach guy. Whatever. I just smile and act as nice as I can. Hopefully she'll simmer down soon.

So this weekend was nuts. I went out on Saturday to hang with Jinna and we had fun!!!! Didn't we, Jinna? We stuffed our faces at this Indian place (it was delicious!) and then we went to see Beauty Shop. Oh my God. Rudy Huxtable is a little hoochie mama. That movie was crazy. Not exactly art, but it made me laugh. Especially when Andie MacDowell started asking about Monkey Bread Chitlins lady or whatever she said.

Then, this was the best ever, we went to Korean Karaoke. It was AWESOME. You get your own little room where you can sing with your friends. Jinna did some Eminem and Jump Around and a Disney song. Sunny and Julie, who are both AMAZING singers, sang the hard stuff. Julie can belt that Whitney Houston. I was so excited about going, I was really into it in the beginning. I sang Material Girl and Manic Monday and A Whole New World. Then I sang Hello Dolly! and Sunny was ready to vomit. Not cool enough for him. I was like, "I feel so indulged!"

Jinna was awesome. She new all the words to the rap songs but she deleted the curse words so it was like listening to it censored. Julie was rolling.

The next morning, I went to see French guy and he was pretty tacky. He looked good, but he took a call right when I first met him and then he made it a big point to show me this 3.1 million dollar house that he was thinking about buying. Then he said he wanted to go look at some more houses that afternoon and what was I going to do? It was like he was setting up the invite for me to go look at houses. Weirdo. I was like, "I'm going to lunch at the Sherman Oaks Galleria with a friend."

So after I escaped yellow-shirted Frenchie, I went to see Candice. She looks sooooo good! She was wearing this off-the-shoulder black shirt and looking like a bombshell. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory and I had an awesome salad. Then we went shoe shopping. Yay! Candice is moving to Arizona in August, so I will miss her.

Then, because this weekend was not busy enough, I went to meet Valeria in Pasadena around 5. I LOVE Pasadena. It's only an hour away from here and it's gorgeous and hip. We ate at this really swank Italian restaurant and I downed the Apple-tinis like candy. The bartender asked Valerie and I if we want to come to the opening of his bar in LA. He said he is leaving the Pasadena place in a couple of weeks and opening his own place! He's Armenian and seriously has attitude. We like him. At first, Valerie was totally talking shit on him, but then I asked him about his work and he totally warmed up to us and started talking about how backwards Sicilians are (which nearly had me laughing off of my stool). Then he told us about his new bar and how cool it's going to be and that we should come. So we gave him our e-mail addresses and hopefully we'll get some free drinks out of it.

Hmm... I have half days all this week, so I've been researching my new work opp and it looks like all systems are go. It is going to be weird going to court all the time. I've never had to go before a judge over anything.

Also, I called around to a couple more real estate offices, including one that Curt told me to call. I dropped his name, wondering if that was really a good idea considering how long-winded and racist he is, but the broker started laughing and saying, "Oh yeah, I know him really well! Do you know where my office is? I can see you next week and we can talk about what we can work out part time." Merciful Jesus. Coldwell Banker shut me down because I couldn't come to meetings before two at the drop of a hat. ReMax was good, but not my first choice because they don't serve my lawyer-friend's probates that she said she would throw at me.

I read some great stuff lately. The best was The Tipping Point, which I listened to in my car while I was driving all over LA and OC. The other one is the Desert Queen. It's all about Gertrude Bell, the woman who basically formed Iraq in the early 20th century. Both are absolutely fascinating. The Tipping Point talks about EVERYTHING. Made me feel smart by the end, plus it was mega-entertaining. Go get it.

One last thing, I just found out that Bekah is having a little girl. Know what she is going to name it? Katherine. Awwwwww.


No Time No Time No Time!

God this sucks! I was so eager to just stay busy busy busy and get back to my old self again that I have TOTALLY overbooked myself. My little planner book is fucking exploding all over my car, vomiting out appointments all over the passenger seat every morning. I was late to a meeting Tuesday and then I lost the directions to another one that I was going to on Thursday but miraculously they all turned out great. I have been running around trying to do networking and decide what brokerage to work with and this completely new possibility opened up that is pretty complicated but possibly a very lucrative small business idea. And thanks to lawyer-friend Cindy, who dumped it in my lap, I might have my own business by the end of June. I will call you guys to tell you the details. It involves, of course a whole NEW fucking set of fingerprints and a criminal background check and going to court a few times a month, but it seems like ME and it involves crazy people. I'm all over it like white on rice.

School is GREAT and I am LOVING my job. Everyone is being super nice to me and I am making a point to spend mornings and lunch in the teachers' lounge because someone made a comment to me to stop working in my room so much and being anti-social. So anyway, I am laughing it up in there and wondering why I didn't ignore my lesson plans earlier. I got a GLOWING final evaluation from my principal today. That was awesome (and unexpected, made me glad that I turned in my personal reflection form on time today). I can't believe there are only three more weeks of school left until I'm off for a month. The England trip is getting so close! I booked all our train tickets and picked up the EuroStar tickets (we're going through Brussels). My two most elegant dresses are altered and ready to go. I bought some GORGEOUS sparkly gold heels that go with my pink dress and I'm looking for some elegant satin navy ones to go with the navy bridesmaid dress I had altered down to my size.

Umm, I'm pretty bored of Justin. I spent half of last weekend with him and getting conversation out of him was like pulling teeth. He wanted to watch this old 70s movie and all I could think was... great, he's almost as good at watching TV as OB was. So anyway, this is completely unexpected, but I met a cool French guy from Hollywood online. He distributes films abroad and goes out of the country 10-12 times a year. Much more my style. I might go out with Justin again, but I'm just not stuck on him. My interest has waned and I haven't called or e-mailed him in like 10 days. It's all him. I can't tell if he has noticed or not.

Oh my God! I want to SCUBA dive soooooo bad. The bitch is that now I am going to pay another whopping $400 fee for a new professional license (for the new business deal) and that is what I was going to spend on SCUBA in Santa Clarita (with proper dives in Ventura twice a month). Damn it!!!! So if I get to substitute 5 times this month I can do both... Otherwise, let's hope Frenchie has deep pockets. Ha ha ha.

Hey, I want you guys to check out my whore advert. It's on plentyoffish.com. I'm Kate1980. I got some new (slightly crappy) pics up and they show my dresses. That picture editor/publisher thing I tried to use on this blog just doesn't cut it. I can't work it. I'm retarded. God, I can't believe it's Friday night and I'm writing this. I'm going to Irvine tomorrow morning and I'm not coming back until late Sunday night, so I knew this was my last shot. I had to do my taxes and bills and all that sorry crap tonight, too. Every other night this week has been insane.

Oh, oh, oh, I picked up Dr. Sheldon in LA and went to the chapter event and it was so fun! We talked about differences in learning styles between genders so I totally showed off and talked about this article I'd just read about the female XX chromosomes and how many of the genes are active in the "unused" X that were not believed to be active before and that cool old lady that recognized me from the alumnae bulletin was there. Dr. Sheldon hugged me and told me that when I come to Lynchburg I have to go out for a drink with him. Too bad Tracey was with us (although I thought she was AMAZING and I really like her now) because I know I could have gotten my freak on. But anyway, Dr. Sheldon is kind of a dork and it's probably a good thing Tracey was there. She presented an astronomy paper at a physics conference in LA the weekend before. Her topic was FASCINATING. She watched a planet orbit a star about 55 million light years away from the RMWC observatory and then wrote a paper that got published in some scientific journal. We were all dead impressed.

Oh God and then Easter was a fucking dream come true. Tom and I left Grandma at home with a pizza and went to the swank French restaurant down the highway. I was (excuse my vanity) so gorgeous. I wore my pearls, silk gold shirt, long, lined, elegant cream trousers, open-toe Nine West heels, had my hair perfectly smooth, did my make-up as perfectly as I could, and totally shook my ass as I entered the restaurant. The bitchy French maitre-D guy (who usually sneers at us) showed us to our table and pulled my chair out for me. Then, this was heaven, I had Cabernet Sauvignon, escargots, crab cake, and scalloped potatoes. It was so, so delicious. And men totally checked me out. I'm totally taking the Lancaster lawyers down there when I schmooze them. And I'm going to speak French to the maitre-d.

Ha ha. Ashley, I just read your comments and I LOVE you! I'll call you this weekend when I'm in crap LA traffic.

Keep in touch, sweet girls!