I Heart Mercedes
Yesterday was the Mercedes commercial filming! It wasn't what I expected, but I think these things rarely are. I got my hair straightened at 9 a.m. Mom called me at 9:45 and started complaining about her broken toe and generally stressing me out. I had two things to do for work -- put my new listing in the MLS and draw up comps for a lady who called to find out the value of her house. I told her I had to go to work and she got all huffy. She's going to be 50 on the 11th! Maybe it's getting to her...
So anyway, I put on about 3 pounds of make-up and left for Valencia at noon. I got there at 1 on the dot. It was being filmed at the director's house. It was a really pretty house in a lovely neighborhood. A 30ish woman was there with her parents. Her parents were Scottish! The camera was loving the old Scottish people, let me tell you. "My experience was Grrrreat." You get the picture. An Israeli girl named Hilla was the make-up artist. She went to work giving me some big, sultry eyes. I wore my gold silk blouse and black skirt. The sound guy came over and molested me with the microphone-down-the-shirt technique. His name was Tim. He was low to medium sexy.
They pulled my car up in the driveway and spent about 20 minutes getting the lighting right. The lighting guy was medium to high sexy. Then I said things like, "I never thought I'd be able to afford a Mercedes at 25!" and "It was so cool to walk out on the lot and see every kind of Mercedes!" "I went to 2 other non-luxury car dealerships and there was a lot of pressure to buy that day. But at the Mercedes dealership there wasn't any pressure at all. They let me decide when I was ready."
The cameraman said I was "Glamorous yet real." I hope they don't cut this thing together so I look like a total fruitcake. They said it won't be just one commercial. It will be cut into several. That's why they're using 4 different testimonials.
Anyway, it was a lot of fun. I just sent the Mercedes PR woman a request for 200 goodies for our area Toastmasters conference. Hopefully I can get something in exchange for that commercial! I think I spent 200 on my hair altogether -- I had to get it done twice!
OK, I have to write a speech for Toastmasters tonight. I think it will be about my day in the spotlight.
Um... I didn't get a gift card, and you can't click here to get jack. I don't care if you won't have the coolest wardrobe in the 7th grade either!
Awesome about the commercial, I want to see them!! I guess it's just for a local dealership? Pout.
I'm going trick or treating tonight with Toby for a shameless attempt at getting candy. Go me. Got your letter, miss you!
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