

I've just been reading over my blog and thinking, "God, I'm so self-indulgent." It's true. Well, I'm single again. But I think I'm happy. A lot is going on all the time. I've been doing tennis lessons at the city park this month. It's been a lot of fun. My roommate, Jill, and I have been doing it together. I can't believe how bad I sucked when I started. I'm not so bad now.

I've got three listings at the moment. None of them are selling yet. It's depressing. But I sold 2 in September and that was a nice payday. Whatever keeps the repo man from taking my Mercedes.

I'm applying to business school. I'm feeling the east coast. The west coast has been very tough on me.

I have a major crush on one of my clients. I can't sell his damn house! He doesn't like me. He can tell when I'm flirting with him. For instance, I mentioned that I was at the Studio City Golf Club this weekend. He was like, "The Studio City Golf and Tennis Club?" I said, "Oh, I didn't know they had tennis there." And then he said, "Yep, they do. OK, all the forms are done. I'll get them faxed over."

Damn it! He's the best prospect so far. Oh well... I'll keep my eyes open for someone else good.


At September 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! LaxKat is back!

I'm so happy you are considering the east coast.

At September 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'd love to see you if you make your way out the east coast (just promise me you wont spend as much time in grad school as I did, though finally I am finished)....Time it right and you can see my gigantic belly. That's right, we are welcoming a little art historian into the world in January who we will call Marina. Can you believe it?

I didnt know you had a blog but its nice catching up on all your news and musings. Maybe I should start one? Take care and write often! CZ
PS- Hi to all other RMWCers out there in cyberland!

At September 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want you to leave!

At October 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

About damn time woman! Super jealous of the Mercedes, I bet a lot of people would love to see you back on the east coast (ahem, one is a bit of a Slush, watch out for her!)!


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