
What a Drag

OK, today just sucked. I had one of those days where I just did not want to drag myself out of bed. Then I got to school, got out of the car, walked around the car, got my big huge bag out of the back, and then the car started rolling. Fast. Shit. I forgot to put the break on. Anyway, it rolled forward and I was hanging onto the door, trying to hold it back. It rolled right into the curb. Crunch. No visible damage, but still it was a crap way to start the day. I just left it there like that, all crooked and over the curb. At least it will make other people smile.

Then the principal saw me rolling a computer monitor down the hallway. She was all concerned. Where are you going with that??? Umm, to my classroom. See, Tom gave me three computers but I don't have monitors and the computer lab teacher has 50 on the floor so she has given me two so far to use in my classroom. The principal was like, "Well you can't keep them forever!" Duh. I'm not stealing it! I'm putting it in my classroom for students to use! Tom also gave me a laser printer and I could kiss it. The Accelerated Math and all the other stuff I print just pops out like a dream now.

I can't believe I'm going on the Queen Mary II in 3 weeks. It is going to be so luxurious. So nice. I'm going to do what I love to do. Where gorgeous clothes and eat. It's going to be heaven.

Then Marcus, one of my more outspoken students, called me "Stupid White Girl" today. Nice. I don't even know why. I think it's because I wouldn't let him go to the bathroom 12 times.

Gotta go. Tom is here and we're booking theater tickets and a glass boat on the Thames lunch. Sweet!


At April 14, 2005, Blogger Keepin it real said...

Nice. That happened to me yesterday, only I was on a hill and that mf'er didn't want to stop. I had to somehow grab my keys out of my pocket and unlock the door all in about 2 seconds. Lucky for me it was my night class and no one was really there.


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