
No Time No Time No Time!

God this sucks! I was so eager to just stay busy busy busy and get back to my old self again that I have TOTALLY overbooked myself. My little planner book is fucking exploding all over my car, vomiting out appointments all over the passenger seat every morning. I was late to a meeting Tuesday and then I lost the directions to another one that I was going to on Thursday but miraculously they all turned out great. I have been running around trying to do networking and decide what brokerage to work with and this completely new possibility opened up that is pretty complicated but possibly a very lucrative small business idea. And thanks to lawyer-friend Cindy, who dumped it in my lap, I might have my own business by the end of June. I will call you guys to tell you the details. It involves, of course a whole NEW fucking set of fingerprints and a criminal background check and going to court a few times a month, but it seems like ME and it involves crazy people. I'm all over it like white on rice.

School is GREAT and I am LOVING my job. Everyone is being super nice to me and I am making a point to spend mornings and lunch in the teachers' lounge because someone made a comment to me to stop working in my room so much and being anti-social. So anyway, I am laughing it up in there and wondering why I didn't ignore my lesson plans earlier. I got a GLOWING final evaluation from my principal today. That was awesome (and unexpected, made me glad that I turned in my personal reflection form on time today). I can't believe there are only three more weeks of school left until I'm off for a month. The England trip is getting so close! I booked all our train tickets and picked up the EuroStar tickets (we're going through Brussels). My two most elegant dresses are altered and ready to go. I bought some GORGEOUS sparkly gold heels that go with my pink dress and I'm looking for some elegant satin navy ones to go with the navy bridesmaid dress I had altered down to my size.

Umm, I'm pretty bored of Justin. I spent half of last weekend with him and getting conversation out of him was like pulling teeth. He wanted to watch this old 70s movie and all I could think was... great, he's almost as good at watching TV as OB was. So anyway, this is completely unexpected, but I met a cool French guy from Hollywood online. He distributes films abroad and goes out of the country 10-12 times a year. Much more my style. I might go out with Justin again, but I'm just not stuck on him. My interest has waned and I haven't called or e-mailed him in like 10 days. It's all him. I can't tell if he has noticed or not.

Oh my God! I want to SCUBA dive soooooo bad. The bitch is that now I am going to pay another whopping $400 fee for a new professional license (for the new business deal) and that is what I was going to spend on SCUBA in Santa Clarita (with proper dives in Ventura twice a month). Damn it!!!! So if I get to substitute 5 times this month I can do both... Otherwise, let's hope Frenchie has deep pockets. Ha ha ha.

Hey, I want you guys to check out my whore advert. It's on plentyoffish.com. I'm Kate1980. I got some new (slightly crappy) pics up and they show my dresses. That picture editor/publisher thing I tried to use on this blog just doesn't cut it. I can't work it. I'm retarded. God, I can't believe it's Friday night and I'm writing this. I'm going to Irvine tomorrow morning and I'm not coming back until late Sunday night, so I knew this was my last shot. I had to do my taxes and bills and all that sorry crap tonight, too. Every other night this week has been insane.

Oh, oh, oh, I picked up Dr. Sheldon in LA and went to the chapter event and it was so fun! We talked about differences in learning styles between genders so I totally showed off and talked about this article I'd just read about the female XX chromosomes and how many of the genes are active in the "unused" X that were not believed to be active before and that cool old lady that recognized me from the alumnae bulletin was there. Dr. Sheldon hugged me and told me that when I come to Lynchburg I have to go out for a drink with him. Too bad Tracey was with us (although I thought she was AMAZING and I really like her now) because I know I could have gotten my freak on. But anyway, Dr. Sheldon is kind of a dork and it's probably a good thing Tracey was there. She presented an astronomy paper at a physics conference in LA the weekend before. Her topic was FASCINATING. She watched a planet orbit a star about 55 million light years away from the RMWC observatory and then wrote a paper that got published in some scientific journal. We were all dead impressed.

Oh God and then Easter was a fucking dream come true. Tom and I left Grandma at home with a pizza and went to the swank French restaurant down the highway. I was (excuse my vanity) so gorgeous. I wore my pearls, silk gold shirt, long, lined, elegant cream trousers, open-toe Nine West heels, had my hair perfectly smooth, did my make-up as perfectly as I could, and totally shook my ass as I entered the restaurant. The bitchy French maitre-D guy (who usually sneers at us) showed us to our table and pulled my chair out for me. Then, this was heaven, I had Cabernet Sauvignon, escargots, crab cake, and scalloped potatoes. It was so, so delicious. And men totally checked me out. I'm totally taking the Lancaster lawyers down there when I schmooze them. And I'm going to speak French to the maitre-d.

Ha ha. Ashley, I just read your comments and I LOVE you! I'll call you this weekend when I'm in crap LA traffic.

Keep in touch, sweet girls!


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