
The Chinese baby and me in L.A. Posted by Hello

At the monastary in Germany (we drank Riesling at lunch, of course) Posted by Hello

At my mother's house in Germany Posted by Hello

Me at the Savoy before we saw Blithe Spirit (it was GREAT!) Posted by Hello

Me and the Concord in the background (Tom flew on one with my grandma) Posted by Hello

crazy boat hair Posted by Hello

Katherine outside the pub (drunk)... Note the Vodafone bag! I had to get a new SIM card and phone number! Posted by Hello

Kat and Clare at a pub in Reading Posted by Hello

Kat and Tom before dancing in the Queen's Room Posted by Hello

Kat before the first formal dinner on the Queen Mary 2 Posted by Hello

Kat at mom's house in Germany Posted by Hello



I just found a list of things that were said the days surrounding Heather's mom's funeral. I wrote down what I found particularly engaging.

Tommy: I'm gonna get some truck nuts. You know, balls hangin' down under the license plate.

Heather: Hey, the dog didn't eat that hot dog you threw it. Just the bun. Katherine: It's obviously a Jew dog.

Heather quoting her mother: Men only want to squash your dreams and stop you from reaching your goals.

Kenny: I'd be hitting that shit 24/7 (in reference to me, said to Tommy at his mom's funeral)

It was a surreal weekend, to say the least. But at the end, everyone said the same thing:
Happy Birthday, Heather!!!!!


Check out the pictures

This is the link to the QM2 pictures that Mike took. My snapfish pics should be ready soon. In the meantime, the ones he took are definitely pretty good. Click on the "For Kate" link to see his pics. The best link is "Sammy Sails the QM2" which is right next to my link.



Three Guesses

It was wonderful. Gorgeous. Relaxing. Awe-inspiring.

I loved every minute of it. And, just like everyone predicted, I met a man. And you'll never guess his profession. Actually, you will. Because it seems that no matter where I turn, I always find one. Or they find me. I can't tell. Yes. Pilot. God damn it. Anyway, he's nice and lives in Hawaii and his sister is wonderful. That's who he was on the cruise with. At least, he says she is his sister. I hope I don't get over there and there is some kind of sick swing thing going on.

The ship was gorgeous. I got to wear a formal gown on three different nights. Tom wore his tuxedo and his war ribbons. We got a LOT of attention. And yes, people thought I was his yummy bit of loving. Yuck. I danced with him on the dance floor anyway. He stepped on my feet.

Michael, the pilot, took lots of pictures of me and I will forward you guys the web address. I took him to Reading with me, so there are some pics of Clare and I, too. Michael's sister's name is Kelly. She is my favorite person because she told me that I was the hottest girl on the ship. And Michael's parents were on the ship, too, and his German mother kept telling Tom how beautiful I am. I like her. A lot. She gave me one of those flowers that you put behind your ear to show if you're looking for Mr. Right or not. Their father was on board, too, but that was kind of sad because he has Altzheimer's disease and didn't really know what was going on. On the last night, he sneaked out of their suite and walked around the ship at 3:30 in the morning. In his diaper. Apparently his clothes were strewn, Hansel and Gretel style, throughout the ship.

Michael owned the first internet cafe in Hawaii back in 1994. He's a nerd. Kelly said his last girlfriend was a golddigger and she and her mother hated her. Too bad.

Anyway, they invited me to come stay with them in Hawaii and I said awesome. I've never been, so that will be cool. I told her I would start looking for a ticket when I got back to the states. She said, "Don't bother. I'll just send you one of my companion tickets." Sweet! They sail and scuba dive all the time, so hopefully we'll get to do that together.

I will write more about the actual trip later. I had such a good time. And Germany was great. My mama spoiled me. More later.