
Check out the pictures

This is the link to the QM2 pictures that Mike took. My snapfish pics should be ready soon. In the meantime, the ones he took are definitely pretty good. Click on the "For Kate" link to see his pics. The best link is "Sammy Sails the QM2" which is right next to my link.



At May 20, 2005, Blogger Ash said...

Wow, a pilot who actually makes money and doesn't mooch off of a wife he mistreats and takes advantage of? Awesome! Kinda cute too. I feel bad about Spammy though, you ate him, didn't you?

At May 21, 2005, Blogger Katie said...

God, don't remind me. I am so thankful to God that I'm not a human ATM machine. I would sooner shoot myself in the head.

Yeah, Michael is kind of cute. I don't feel the chemistry, so I just want to be friends. He's awesome. Sailing, SCUBA, traveling. Definitely best friend potential. But he wants me. Bad. He was describing what I wore when I boarded the boat (down to my sunglasses) so I know he was checking me out from the first minute. Makes me feel good. Anyway, is Heather still alive or is she still being a work martyr?


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