
Just Workin It

So my life has been mainly work: work: work. It's been a good day, though. I worked 8 hours and then I visited the grandparents. The cosmetics area is all a-twitter because Corinna, my drop-dead-gorgeous-makes-me-want-to-hate-her counter manager went on a date with her doctor last night. I have neglected to post, but Corinna was bitten in the ass by a Brown Recluse Spider. It was a bad bite. She had it drained, then had it lanced twice. It was nasty. She missed 9 days of work and got massive doses of antibiotics intravenously. Anyway, her doc decided that he wants to bone her. So they went on a date last night. It included Sushi at the restaurant where Tom Cruise had his birthday party, a trip to an Indian restaurant, and then him taking her shopping. He took her to a Sephora make-up counter and told her she could pick out whatever she wanted. She got some blush that looks like radioactive cotton candy. As you are probably aware, I'm jealous. She's nearly 6 feet tall, her Estee Lauder jacket is a size 4, and she's dating her doctor. But don't worry, I'm sure it will crash and burn and I will elicit unparalled satisfaction from her dismay. Or I'll get invited to the wedding.

Otherwise, I talked to Tabz today for a short while. I'm not sure if he likes me or not. He didn't write to me from the time that I saw him on Monday. I told him not to call me because I didn't have any minutes, so I can't blame him for not calling. He said he's gonna call me tonight. We'll see. I dunno. The thing is, I keep trying to pick guys who are not super-hot because I think that they'll be super-happy to be with me and appreciate me for the babe I am. It doesn't work.

For example, stupid Clinique make-up guy was NOT hot. However, he basically wrote me off after 1.5 hours of chat to try to get with hot Lancome girl (she's sweet, but she does her make-up like a total whore and has hair so platinum it's white). Why? Why couldn't he be happy with pretty(ish), intelligent, funny, well-traveled me? What's WRONG with me? The thing is, I'm desperate. And I think I hide that fact pretty well, but somehow these guys have a sixth sense about it, chill with me for five minutes, and run in the other direction. Fuck. I don't know how to neutralize my man-repelling scent.

Anyway, I should ignore men and concentrate on my career. In the movies, that is how the women always catch great guys.

Jesus. Someone help me. And someone make Tabz come see me on Monday and snog me lots and lots.

On a more somber note, I tried to shave my pounani and it's a complete mess. I wanted to get it waxed, but no one does that around here. Any ideas on how to get it smooth? I'm getting the tweezers out soon if I don't get any better ideas.



Can't Think of a Good Title

Today was a good day. I sold 588 dollars worth of make-up to old ladies with cash.

I put in my two weeks notice with Gottschalks. I have to quit, the commute eats so much time and gas. I'm going to work in Santa Clarita now, which should be better for my social life and checkbook.

I'm totally over that short guy from Clinique. And I heard through the grapevine that over-made-up Stephanie kicked him to the curb and is going out with her old boyfriend now. Maybe it's true, maybe not. The truth is, that guy was no one worth writing home about.

Thank God I didn't put out. That would have made me feel like complete shit. As it is, I'm just mildly embarassed. Doesn't matter, won't be working with those girls for much longer.

Turns out that my counter manager was bitten by a Brown Recluse Spider. Ick. She could have died. As it was, she was out for over a week and I had to basically manage that counter. It was fun, but I like some direction.

Our free gift starts on Tuesday. It is going to be a madhouse.

I'm nearly finished with a book by my favorite author, Marian Keyes. She's so cool. She's Irish and she's fab. You should read her stuff! It always heals me.

Miss you all!!!



oh, and i forgot to mention that i am SO glad that i didn't DO anything with him. i only let him hug me when i got to his house and then when i departed. thank god all we did was talk. if we had made out or i had let him feel me up, i would have died of embarassment.

i hate men

but i love orazio



Oh my good Lord. Things that have happened in the last two weeks:

1. I disappeared off of the face of the planet.
2. I moved to Santa Clarita and couldn't get my internet to work for 13 days.
3. I've been working at Estee Lauder for many days and many hours.
4. I'm trashing my car by leaving sticky, fluid materials in it and returning to discover them melted and all over my passenger seat.
5. I've been visiting and entertaining my Grandfather-type with liquor and funny work-related stories.
6. The Clinique make-up artist guy (Mexican, named Noe, pronounced NO-ay) asked me for my number and I went to visit him at his place in Burbank.
7. I passed my real estate course.
8. My mom has returned to the states and we're meeting up this week.
9. I love my new house. It is pretty and too good for the likes of me.
10. I miss you all and I have so many stories but not enough energy to type them all right now.
11. My best friend moved into her new place in Virginia and I'm way happy for her.
12. I'm hoping for a teaching job to open up NOW.
13. I'll write more later on my new, improved, lightening fast internet connection.
14. I joined a gym.