
Random Stuff

My skin looks soooooo good. That lasering I've been getting is making a big difference. I think I am going to get two more treatments and then stop. And the Metrogel that the dermatologist gave me is amazing. I've only had two little tiny pimples since I started using it three weeks ago and they were barely noticeable. I went nuts spending money last weekend and picked up some Nivea anti-wrinkle cream and some eye-brightening stuff. The eye stuff feels so good! I love it, if you have tired eyes you should pick it up. It makes my make-up go on really nicely under my eyes, too.

Oooh, Justin wrote to me yesterday morning at 7 a.m. but I didn't write back yesterday. So today I get home and he wrote again around 3 in the afternoon and wants to figure out a time when we can meet again.

I'm going skiing this Saturday but if Friday night works for him I'm going to meet him. I get off of work at noon (yes!) on Friday because it's one of those days that we change classrooms. I was sooooo tired today and I'm really looking forward to the end of the week. I think it's because I worked out last night. The night before I got drunk OFF MY ASS after I got home and then I ended up puking in the toilet for half an hour. But the next morning I felt really good, so I think it let me let go of some steam. And there is no doubt that going full tilt on the elliptical for 30 minutes and then doing another 15 on the treadmill is relieving my stress. Tomorrow is Weight Watchers and I'm really looking forward to it because a) I'm positively wasting away and b) the leader is HILARIOUS. She has good advice, too. Like not to take things in our personal lives and ponder them too long. Move on. Don't let bad thoughts eat at you. Appreciate the times that you have enjoyed in your life and don't let disappointments color your thoughts.

After my lasering is finished on my chin I'm going to get the broken veins in my leg erased. Then I'm going to spend every second of my time off of school in the summer at the beach, getting skin cancer and worshiping the sun. I can't wait.

It's been raining here so much. Palmdale is getting to be a real drag. I nearly plunged my car down a ravine that simply appeared in our road the other day (thanks to the downpour of rain). I'm really looking forward to getting out of here and going to Ventura and skiing (not in Ventura).

Oh yeah, I have another speed dating thing scheduled. I'm going to meet Julia and Valerie (the two chicks I met at the last speed dating thing) in LA for dinner and then we're going to another speed dating event in LA on Tuesday night. It's at this place that Ben Affleck and Matt Damon co-founded, so it should be semi-cool. I am going to wear that bra I just bought from VS. It makes my boobs levitate, I swear to God.

Oh my God! I never wrote about speed dating! OK, it was a blast, it really was. When I first got there I got my name tag and I was number 1, then they put me at table A, so of course I thought it was a sign and this meant that all the men would be subconsciously drawn to check YES next to their scorecards for me. Among the 20 men there were an adult film producer, a film critic, a sports reporter, 3 lawyers, and a bunch of random guys that were probably lying about their jobs like everyone else. OK, man 1 was a 6-foot-tall Chinese lawyer. American born and bred, but I simply wasn't that into him. He reaches out to shake my hand. I jump from nerves and shake his, knocking over the burning white candle in the process. Hot white wax flies ALL OVER his black jeans, so it looks like he shot his load within 5 seconds of sitting down. Oops. At first he thought it was just a drink. Then he started to look a little panicked. Then he was making a serious effort to stay calm and he said, "That's alright, when we meet again you can buy me a drink." He said this with a big grin. I felt bad, but I checked no. The weirdest guy was the film critic. Something was wrong with him. He kept shaking and taking a long time to answer questions and leaning in WAY too close. Plus he came over to my little table when it wasn't his turn and the moderator made fun of him and said he didn't know his alphabet. To top it all off, he was wearing a black and red zebra-stripe shirt that looked like SHIT.

I liked the personality and look of the sports reporter but I hate sports and told him so. Oops. Plus he was short, so no big deal.

The fun Egyptian girl, Valerie, told me a story about some freak that she met on the internet. She said when she saw him in the restaurant that they decided to meet at, she could have turned around and walked away, but she felt bad so she went through with the date. He looked like the Pillsbury Dough boy. No definition whatsoever. She said he was a real jerk the whole time and then when they were having coffee he leaned in to kiss her. She said she leaned way back and laughed, "What do you think you're doing?" He goes, "You know you want to!" Anyway, she never answered his calls after that. Then, GUESS WHO shows up at speed dating? The internet guy that she had been talking about 10 minutes before. His name is Adam. And, of course, he checked yes to me. Because complete PSYCHOS LOVE to date me. That was the cool thing about it; after the speed dating you got to see who liked you that you said no to. And my ego inflated hugely because 16 of the 20 liked me. Two of them were special effects guys and one of them worked on AI and Bicenntenial Man. And while neither movie hit it big, they both had amazing special effects.

The other guy that completely adored me (sorry, I sound Narcissistic but it is true) was a sixth grade teacher. Ha. He was not my type AT ALL, but he was so sweet. He could hear that my voice was starting to go, so he went up to the bar and got me a glass of water without even mentioning it to me. And then after the dating event he came over and said how nice it was to meet me. Aww.

So speed dating was cool because I met two awesome women there, but it wasn't all that because there was slim picking among the men. The encouraging thing was that it seems most of them are successful professionals (or so they say).

It was fun to get out, though, so I'm going to go again next week. Maybe there will be someone more my speed or maybe Justin will prove to be the complete sweetheart that he seems to be. We'll see...


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