
My Momster

My mom just got back from Turkey and LOVED it. She says I should apply through DODDs to teach in Turkey, which I fully intend to do. After the way she and Justin have been talking about it, it seems like the perfect place for me.

Here are her comments:
Turkey was indeed absolutely awesome. I was there for just a few days, but here are my impressions of Turkey - I made some notes as I waited for my plane from Adona to Istanbul.......

My arrival - VISA stamp - Polisi - wait, wait, OK, come in Turkey!
Donkey carts and American cars.....
Blue Eyes
The beautiful new mosque - both day and night memories of this.
The Roman bridge - both seen and traveled over!
Fruit basket and pistachios in my room at the Hodja Inn!
Old Adana....women in cotten Turkish pants, head covering, occasional mysterious women shrouded in black, holding their veil over their faces...
Friendly people!
Shopping in the Allee...leather at "Pops", bags, coats, pottery bowls and plates, gold! Towels, rugs.
Lamb, chicken, spinach. Baklava! Apple tea. Scented water sprinkled on our hands as we left a restaurant. Bread with sesame seeds.
Blue sky, palm trees, citrus trees. Am I in Tucson?
Super security on base. Bomb dogs. Gate pass, country clearance, NATO orders. Red stamps!
"The Land of Not-Quite-Right" seeking entry in the EU.
Cats everywhere!
Hussein's special tour of Old Adana in the Government van.
Biblical references and locations everywhere.
"Rescued" by a porter when left at the Domestic terminal rather than the International - he grabbed my cases, shouted "Hurry" and led me to the right place, escorted me through security, turned me over to the ticket clerk....then bowed! I handed over $10 bucks....& murmured "Thank you.....Danke Schürn......"Grazie"......
Camels and Hodja! Dervishes.
I must return to Turkey!

When I finally reached home and my own bathroom, I realized "I haven't peed since Istanbul". That ranks right up there with "Are these your worms on the kitchen floor?". Both sentences I never thought to utter.

Note from Kat:
Yeah, when I was six I got a little over-zealous in the rose garden and brought all the worms inside the kitchen so that I could play with them on the tile floor. I got bored, went upstairs, and made a racetrack out of books lined up side by side all around the perimeter of my room, and then momster screamed up the stairs, "Katherine! Are these your worms on the kitchen floor?" She's never let me forget about it.


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