
Fun Fun Fun!

I have yet to post about speed-dating, but I will. It was so eventful and comical that a lot of time must be devoted to it, and I have been too busy to write a long post.

But let me tell you about last weekend! I went down to LA with Tom and saw Cindy (lawyer-friend), her parents, husband, daughter, my friend Candice, and the NEW CHINESE BABY! The baby is sooooo cute. I took a million pictures with her and they are getting developed overnight right now. I'll try to post a good one. The kid is amazing. She is into everything and she let me hold her and she grabbed onto my hair and PULLED it. She reached out to grab Tom's face and he just stared at her like he was going to smack her. Then he laughed when they took her away.

I, of course, ate salmon. It was a really nice lunch. Plus, they were filming some movie there at the Proud Bird restaurant. There are tons of old planes, so it makes a good backdrop.

I called my mom's friend, Charlie, in L.A. I told her I'm in Palmdale and my mom said that she might be producing some independent films out here. Charlie was HIGH energy and really sweet. She said she has 3 projects going on out here right now and she would call her girlfriends to find out if they needed any extras to begin with. Cool! So maybe I'll be in some random independent film in the next couple of months.

Then I got chatting to Cindy and she uses three brokers with her practice. I need to latch on to a broker so that I can legally sell properties. Cindy gave me their names (two local, one down in the Huntington Beach area) and said I should call them and drop her name. So at least I have a toe in the door, there.

Oh, dear. Turmoil at school. Four of one of the other teacher's kids have requested to be moved to my classroom. They declare my class is "tight" and they begged her to make an earthquake video like my class is doing. Then, later in the day, the other teacher stopped by my room and collapsed into a chair. We started shooting the breeze and then she said, "You know what the kids did, don't you?" I said, "No, whose kids?" I was panic-stricken that my hoodlums had set fire to the gym or something. She said, "Three of my kids brought black spray paint to school and painted all kinds of stuff on the wall by the gym and in the boys' bathroom. It was about me and it wasn't nice, I can tell you." Oh God. I couldn't think of anything comforting to say. At least my ignorance of it must have given her some comfort. The rumors about her weren't flying as fast as she might have thought.

And now tomorrow night is going to be a blast, too! I'm running down to Huntington Beach to hang out and stay over with Candice. We're going to a party for one of her friends. It should be really fun. Apple martinis all around. And then on Sunday there is a strong possibility that I'm going to meet Justin, navy man, 6 FEET 5 INCHES tall. Damn. You know he's hung like a horse. That should be fun.

And there is even more on the dating front! There were two women that were awesome that I met at the last speed dating and we really hit it off. We're going to pick a speed date night, go out to eat, and then speed date. It should be a blast. They are hilarious and well-educated.

Oh my God. I went to weigh-in at Weight Watchers tonight. The woman at the scale couldn't believe it. She kept re-reading the numbers. She finally said, "You've lost 6.6 pounds this week! What happened?" I just smiled and said, "Man trouble, of course. I hope he dies a slow and painful death." She laughed and said, "You just tell him that you're too pretty to put up with any crap. You'll find someone wonderful with no problem! Look at you!" I really really like that weigh-in lady. And not to sound vain, but I know she's right.


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