
Free iPod

Last Sunday was sweet! I drove Dana, my blind black judge friend, to Santa Barbara so he could give a speech at a lawyer's retreat at El Capitan State Park. We were there for about 3 and a half hours. The general partner stood up in the middle of the meeting and said, "Everyone in the room gets an iPod!" I couldn't believe it. So today I've been downloading all my music to my iPod. It's kind of boring but it should be worth it in the end.

Thanksgiving was really fun. We had my grandfather, his daughter Josie and her husband Peter, and 12 other people. We pulled out ALL the china and crystal. I nearly died when they put Tostitos in my great-grandmother's Fostoria crystal bowl, but what can one do? It's like putting cases of RC cola into the trunk of a Rolls Royce. At least it's being put to use, I guess.

I've got my "interview" with my future landlady tomorrow. I've been cleaning up all day. It actually looks worse because I found all this paperwork I need to deal with and it's all over my bed, but I've been making major progress.

I'm still hung up on Scott. Half the time he acts like he loves talking to me and the other half he sounds annoyed. Maybe it's that red-headed temperament.

I've been begging Jinna, Julie, and Sunny to go to Basque (a club) with me. I think we're going to Echo. I'm down with that. Sunny says he's going to take me shopping to buy me an urban outfit tomorrow. I'm not sure how I feel about that. As long as it's jade green or has something sparkly on it.

I'm moving to Santa Clarita soon. It's going to be a big pain in the ass but it should be worth it!


My Ex is Famous

I just found an article about my ex-boyfriend from Camarillo, CA. This guy had gorgeous blue eyes and was ripped! Anyway, he won a gold medal in Judo. It's called the Master's and I think it's for people who are too old to go to the Olympics. Anyway, he's freaking fit so I'm not surprised he won. He was a sweetie. I hope he won some money.


I'm BORED. I'm the toastmaster at Toastmasters tonight. It will be the highlight of my day. I keep waiting to get offers on my listings and nothing is happening! As Bridget Jones would say, "Gah!"

I'm at work right now, waiting for the phone to ring. Melissa is here, too, but she's downstairs so I don't get to gossip with her right now.

David, this crazy farmer guy, keeps sending me these weird comedy commercial-type e-mails but he has a spam blocker or something so I can't send him an e-mail telling him to stop sending me that crap. Actually, one of them was about a "trunk monkey" and it was pretty funny. The monkey would do stuff like jump out of the car trunk and whack a policeman over the head with a wrench if he was writing you a speeding ticket. Yet my boredom quickly returned.

I'm moving to Santa Clarita in a couple of weeks. I'm excited about it because I'd really like to have a social life again. Lancaster/Palmdale is mega boring. I'm going to live with my friend Christine and our major plan is to date dozens of guys off of match.com.

I think I'm a home wrecker. My friend Christine left her husband because I'm an enabler, my friend Melissa is about to leave her husband, and both my friends Mindy and Nicole split from their guys after I started hanging out with them for substantial amounts of time. Perhaps I carry a curse with me.

Yawn. I'll write more later.