
Old Pizza

Today was weird, so I wore some weird clothes. Brown alligator heels, jeans, wine-colored jacket, and I carried a bright pink alligator bag. And I didn't care.

Didn't do any mega deals today. I'm trying to be patient. I've got 3 houses for sale right now and I want to SELL THEM!!!!!

Plus my phone is acting psychotic. I had voice mail and it didn't tell me!

I got a form today from the Bar Association. Heather's future happiness rests in my hands. What to do? I mean, do I really believe the applicant's reputation, with respect to honesty, trustworthiness, diligence, and reliability is good? I guess. Can I attach an additional sheet if necessary?



I've just been reading over my blog and thinking, "God, I'm so self-indulgent." It's true. Well, I'm single again. But I think I'm happy. A lot is going on all the time. I've been doing tennis lessons at the city park this month. It's been a lot of fun. My roommate, Jill, and I have been doing it together. I can't believe how bad I sucked when I started. I'm not so bad now.

I've got three listings at the moment. None of them are selling yet. It's depressing. But I sold 2 in September and that was a nice payday. Whatever keeps the repo man from taking my Mercedes.

I'm applying to business school. I'm feeling the east coast. The west coast has been very tough on me.

I have a major crush on one of my clients. I can't sell his damn house! He doesn't like me. He can tell when I'm flirting with him. For instance, I mentioned that I was at the Studio City Golf Club this weekend. He was like, "The Studio City Golf and Tennis Club?" I said, "Oh, I didn't know they had tennis there." And then he said, "Yep, they do. OK, all the forms are done. I'll get them faxed over."

Damn it! He's the best prospect so far. Oh well... I'll keep my eyes open for someone else good.