
Don't Be Sad

Slush, don't be sad. You have two new kitties, you're dead smart, you're going to be a highly-paid bitch with a stack of subpoenas in no time (your dream come true!) and a nice medical student will play hide-the-sausage with you in your big, new apartment. I had a vision. I just know it will come true.

Ooohhhh, guess what. I played hide-the-sausage last night. But enough of that unladylike drivel.

Sexy Italian man came over last night and we went to see Cellular. I just wanted to see it because Kim Basinger is in it and everyone at work says that I look like her. It was a pretty crap movie. At one point, this good cop kicks over a goldfish bowl to distract the bad cop and shoot her. So I turn to Orazio and say, watch him save the fish because he's a good guy and put it in a glass of water or something. Next thing you know, he's sitting in an ambulance, holding the goldfish in a wine glass full of fresh water. Ha. Completely predictable.

Then we went to Ralph's and picked up spaghetti, olive oil, a chili pepper (it cost 1 cent), parsley, and whatever else he put in our dinner to make it taste sooooooooooo good. So I ate a big ol' plate of spaghetti, drank Spumante, and then went upstairs and played hide-the-sausage. I don't think my roommate likes that I always have this big hot man around here. She's getting picky about how I clean and monitor my laundry. Yawn.

My last day at Estee Lauder is on Thursday. Thank God, because it's getting really old and boring. Kind of like the customers. Seriously, though, I know I'll miss it. It was a fun job and the girls I worked with were beyond hilarious. For example, Stephanie wondered aloud, "Is Kenya in India?" Corinna told us all that she was going to Hamsterdam (not a spelling error) and couldn't imagine why she would need to get a passport if she was just going there for the weekend. Corinna also told a customer that she wasn't feeling well and wished that she had a Volume (meaning Valium). That was before she told a story in which the man ended up comatized. Jesus. But the girl can sell. And she has her talons in a doctor. Maybe she'll make it. I hope so, because I'm afraid for her. Beauty fades. Dumb is forever. And it's embarassing.



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