
Fun in the Sun

I had so much guilty fun yesterday! I met an old professor/friend from Randolph-Macon. Her name is Christine and she was my Islamic Art Professor. She also wrote a great recommendation for me for the Fulbright grant. I love her! She brought her cute boyfriend, Scott, and we met up at the Getty Center. We looked at photographs and modern architecture and then we went to Santa Monica, which seems to be the coolest place on earth. There, we had DELICIOUS Thai food and chatted about anything and everything. After a wedding today, they’re going to head to Las Vegas and then on home to Pennsylvania, where they both teach. It was so cool to see an old friend. And she looked good. Her skin was so clear and her haircut was cute. I adore Christine!

After we finished dinner, we walked outside and were SHOCKED and AMAZED to discover that the local street music was in Arabic, sung by an Arab dude. Habibi (my darling) he sand, Wallah!! (by God) We were mesmerized for a few minutes. Both of us had been awarded Fulbrights to Muslim countries, and we felt slightly homesick listening to the funky Arab beat. We loved it. I’ll never forget it.

When I got home at 1 in the morning, Grandma was pissed. What a result! She never gets angry! She never cares about anything! So it was a good step forward that she was mad at me for staying out so late. I knew it was going to happen, though. I wasn’t meeting them until 6 and the drive is 1.5 hours into L.A. I knew I was going to be getting back at a CrAzY G-ma hour. Then I got on the computer and she got even MORE miffed. Shit.

So today I was extra nice to Granny. I cooked her Salmon for dinner.

Today my friend Bekah called me and invited me to her house. I hadn’t seen her since my sophomore year at Randolph-Macon, so I am in R-MWC reunion mode these days. Her house is lovely and she has a pool. I met her fiance, JJ. They are both super Christian, so I kind of wanted to gag. But they were super nice and we laid out by the pool and I got a little bit sun burned. We talked about what kind of work is in the area. She lives SO close to my G-ma’s house. I’m happy about that. But her wedding is in 7 weeks, so I don’t expect to see a lot of her. Plus she is only home on the weekends. (She lives in Bakersfield, which is pretty far north.)

So I have had a couple of good days, which I have to say I deserve. I’ve been getting too depressed lately.

I’m going to take the Real Estate course with Century 21. Hope it goes well! I miss you guys.


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