
Ho Hum

OK, still looking for a job. Still annoyed by my bad skin. Why is it that when you get a pimple, it lasts for three years, you pop it, it looks red (but mercifully flat), then two days of relief go by and you think "it's healing and will fade soon!" right then, you look again, and then you have a brand new fucking zit right on top of the old one. it's awful! i hate it. and i'm being plagued by it. i know that the zit is infesting the skin around it with bacteria, but I'm washing!!! i really am. it shouldn't be happening, but it is.

today we got a new girl in to help grandma do her stuff. together, valencia and i discovered 4 huge new loads of dirty laundry. ugh. so we washed that. and we secretly threw old ruined, stained things away. and we threw crap away. and we whittle the 52 towels in g-ma's bathroom down to 6. and i found a lot of nice make-up in g-ma's bathroom that i'm going to steal. and if i find anymore g-ma clothes that have not been worn in 3 years, i am going to sell them on ebay.

this is all i know. we are going to the hairdresser's today, so we have a lot of excitement in our lives.



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