
Just Shoot Me

The highlight of today: take Grandma to the hairdresser's

My computer has a virus, which is affecting how often I post. I apologize for not being very entertaining.

Aroun isn't talking to me anymore. Our love is dead. I am sad but I think it's only because I want him to want me, not really that I want him really badly. I want someone awesome to go out with. Interesting, smart, regular paycheck, over 5'10". Is it too much to ask? Oh, and that person living within an hour's commute would be a huge plus.

I am mad depressed. I need a job. I got bills to pay.

I'm think about writing a book about Portuguese pirates that infiltrated Oman. Ooops, now someone is going to steal my idea. Shit.

I want to be creative. I want to make money. I want to have a cigarette in a restaurant at the finish of my meal. Fuck Southern California. I look like shit or I would try to go get a modeling job. I have to get my skin cleared up and lacquer on some self-tan.

I want a Coke. And some cocaine. I'm bored, lonely, depressed, and poor. Waaaah!


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