
Foiled Again

So I thought it would be a good idea to take a real estate course here and then get a license for CA. I finally got on the Community College website here, and although the class hasn't started yet, it is filled to capacity. Grrrrrr... And I heard it was only $36, but I don't know that.

I'm sitting here trying not to smoke. It's hard.

Not feeling to good about life right now. If I meet a man, though, you know I'll be on top of the world.

I was thinking about writing to Jerome at the Al Ain Intercon. I was going to send him a naughty, flirty, come visit me in LA note. Think he would get really scared? Or just get a huge ego? I just want him to e-mail me and have cyber sex.

My Dubai girlfriends are going to Greece soon.

Am soooooooo jealous. I wish I were rich. It really seems like rich people don't have problems. It's amazing.

Ah, update on Grandma. I said, "Hi Grandma" to her the other day. So she said, "Hi Grandma" right back. OK. I told her that we should change her dress since it was the same one she has worn for the last 4 days. OK. So she takes the dress off in front of the huge living room window. Something is very wrong. But they keep telling us she doesn't have Alzheimer's. Her hygiene is gone. Doesn't care about showers or brushing her teeth, but she gets around walking just fine. It's frustrating! Anyway, I rang some people up and we're gonna have a caregiver come in on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Not a nurse, just someone to help Grandma bathe and do her laundry.

That's all for now, kids.


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