

Orazio and I are finished. Completely, irrevocably, without-a-shadow-of-a-doubt finished. A phone call from his wife did it. She told me that Orazio's been going over to her house and professing undying love. And since Orazio is a pathological liar and she is a complete stranger, I believe her.

I'm not sure if Orazio is in love with her or if he wants to keep his cash source flowing. I don't really care. It's not my problem anymore.

What a complete waste of four months! Oh well, at least I had some decent sex.

I'm going to a party on Saturday night and the teacher-friend who is hosting it told me that a great guy friend of hers is going to be there and she thinks that we would really hit it off. Maybe I'll get lucky...

I'll be moving my blog again soon, so look out for an e-mail from me to tell you the new address. And since I'm not letting my time be monopolized by a complete fuckwit anymore, I'll post much more often.


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