
Sittin' on a Rock in LA

Watching the time rollin' away.

So my new dream is to work the Estee Lauder counter. And sell real estate... And meet a rich, handsome man. Actually, I just like men that adore me. That's what I want. A man who says random, sincere, adrenaline-rushing compliments. Who is in awe of my beauty and wit. This means that I have to find a man who is incurably insane, but no matter.

What is everyone doing for the 4th of July?

I'm going over to Bekah's house. I think there is going to be red meat and prayer. I won't stay very long if that's all there is, I can tell you that for free. There better be some dangerous firecrackers and kids with matches. I need the entertainment.

I weigh less than I've weighed in a looooonnnnnnggggg time. My lowest weight after Weight Watchers was 163. I ballooned up as high as 188 afterward, but now I'm back down to 171. Now that I know I'm thinner again, I'm watching my food. Which makes me want to eat more of it. I think I'll go back to ignoring what I was eating and throwing away whatever tasted like crap (mainly vegetables). That seemed to be working.

I would love to weigh 150. I looked amazing when I weighed 150. Please Lord, let me weigh 150. So I can get a rich, crazy husband and fly first class.

You guys will be the first to know if I get my navy Estee Lauder smock and key to the counter glass.


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