
Not Exactly the Corporate Ladder

So today Grandma called me on my cell phone to wake me up (she had already been in my room 3 times and told me, "Don't you think you outta get up now?"). I told her to piss off in a nice way. Then, on the phone, she goes, "Just checking!" GAH-- GRR!!

Then I made her a nutritious lunch. An hour later I caught her with Orea cookie crumbs all over her face.

I'm still tutoring the guys from the water company. They like their math lessons, I think. Philip is so thrilled to now understand how to change parts per million to parts per billion. They're the oldest students I ever had, but the pleasure of seeing them "get it" is the same as when I see a 10-year-old grasp fractions. We agreed they'd pay me 10 dollars an hour. So last night when I left, they put some bills in my hand and we all said our pleasantries. When I got home and unfolded them to put them in my wallet, I found they had given me $40. Can you imagine? I must look so pathetic and jobless!

But guess what! Today I GOT A JOB. I'm going to work at Dillards for slightly more than 10 dollars an hour. I'm so relieved. I'm starting part time, but they say that there are lots of hours to be had so I might be working quite a bit more than 20 hours a week. Plus it's 10% commission, so I could potentially be taking home quite a haul. Then again, I might hate it. Dealing with people's feet in the shoe department isn't exactly glamorous, but at least I'll get to talk to people all day!

I'm trying out a bar-b-q salmon recipe for dinner tonight. We'll see if G-ma appreciates it more than the shrimp. I couple of nights ago I slaved over it, she ate two shrimp, said she didn't like them, and threw them away. I could have smothered her with a pillow!

My real estate course starts Saturday morning. I am madly excited about that.

And I talked to my Iranian friend Ashkan! He was working so we didn't talk long, but he was so sweet and polite and I said I would see his praises to Manar and Manal. I might drive down to Irvine to go out to lunch with him soon. He's going to Italy in early August, so I have to get my butt down there. Irvine is also where Tabish lives... Good excuse to drop by and see him?? Go see Ashkan, go see Tabish, get my male company fix?

I miss everyone! Please comment.


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